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Ager AA. Economic Opportunities and Trade-Offs in Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Vogler KC, ed. Ecological Economics. 2017;136.
Hunter ME, Taylor MH. The Economic Value of Fuel Treatments: A Review of the Recent Literature for Fuel Treatment Planning. Forests. 2022;13(12).PDF icon forests-13-02042.pdf (764.75 KB)
Mackey B, Berry S, Hugh S, et al. Ecosystem Greenspots: Identifying Potential Drought, Fire, and Climate-Change Micro-Refuges. Ecological Applications. 2012;22:13. Available at:
Ellsworth LM. Ecosystem resilience is evident 17 years after fire in Wyoming big sagebrush ecosystems Wrobleski DW, ed. Ecosphere. 2016;7(12).
Abt KL. Effect of fire prevention programs on accidental and incendiary wildfires on tribal lands in the United States Butry DT, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015;24.
Nielsen-Pincus M, Ellison A, Moseley C. The Effect of Large Wildfires on Local Labor Markets. Eugene, OR: Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon; 2012:12. Available at:
Brennan TJ. Effect of mastication and other mechanical treatments on fuel structure in chaparral Keeley JE, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015;Online early.
Jones R. Effect of repeated burning on plant and soil carbon and nitrogen in cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) dominated ecosystems Chambers JC, ed. Plant and Soil. 2015;386(1).
Young MK. The Effect of Wildland Fire on Aquatic Ecosystems in the Western USA Gresswell RE, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2003;178(1-2). Available at:
Noonan-Wright EK. The Effectiveness and Limitations of Fuel Modeling Using the Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator Vaillant NM, ed. Forest Science. 2014;60(2).PDF icon Noonan-WrightEt_2014_ForSci_CustomFuelModel.pdf (435.82 KB)
Leduc C, Giga SI, Fletcher IJ, Young M, Dorman SC. Effectiveness of fitness training and psychosocial education intervention programs in wildland firefighting: a cluster randomised control trial. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2022;31:799-815.PDF icon Leduc et al_2022_IJWF_Effectiveness of fitness traning and phychosocial education intervention in wildland firefighters.pdf (1.14 MB)
Loudermilk LE. Effectiveness of fuel treatments for mitigating wildfire risk and sequestering forest carbon: A case study in the Lake Tahoe Basin Stanton A, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2014;323.
Wirth TA, Pyke DA. Effectiveness of post-fire seeding at the Fitzner-Eberhardt Arid Land Ecology Reserve, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey; 2011:42. Available at: icon ofr20111241.pdf (1.28 MB)
Fish JA. Effectiveness of public health messaging and communication channels during smoke events: A rapid systematic review Peters MDJ, ed. Journal of Environmental Management. 2017;193.
Ager AA. Effects of accelerated wildfire on future fire regimes and implications for the United States federal fire policy Barros AMG, ed. Ecology and Society. 2017;22(4).
Higgins AM. The effects of burn entry and burn severity on ponderosa pine and mixed conifer forests in Grand Canyon National Park Waring KM, ed. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015;24(4).
Vaz PG. Effects of burn status and conditioning on colonization of wood by stream macroinvertebrates Dias S, ed. Freshwater Science. 2014;33(3).
Gould GK. The effects of climate change and extreme wildfire events on runoff erosion over a mountain watershed Liu M, ed. Journal of Hydrology. 2016;536.
Gergel DR. Effects of climate change on snowpack and fire potential in the western USA Nijssen B, ed. Climate Change. 2017;141(2).
Vose JM, Clark JS, Luce CH, Patel-Weynand T. Effects of Drought on Forests and Rangelands in the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis.; 2016.PDF icon DROUGHT_book-web-1-11-16.pdf (7.75 MB)
Stephens SL, Boerner REJ, Fettig CJ, et al. The Effects of Forest Fuel-Reduction Treatments in the United States. BioScience. 2012;62(6):12. Available at:
Turner DP. Effects of harvest, fire, and pest/pathogen disturbances on the West Cascades ecoregion carbon balance Ritts WD, ed. Carbon Balance and Management. 2015;10(12).
Nielsen-Pincus M, Moseley C, Gebert K. The effects of large wildfires on employment and wage growth and volatility in the western United States. Journal of Forestry. 2013;111(6):8.PDF icon s7.pdf (804.01 KB)
Johnson MC, Kennedy MC, Harrison SC, et al. Effects of post-fire management on dead woody fuel dynamics and stand structure in a severely burned mixed-conifer forest, in northeastern Washington State, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 2020.PDF icon pnw_2020_johnson001.pdf (1.7 MB)
Wagenbrenner JW. Effects of post-fire salvage logging and a skid trail treatment on ground cover, soils, and sediment production in the interior western United States MacDonald LH, ed. Forest Ecology and Management. 2015;335.
