Publications Library
A burning issue: Reviewing the sociodemographic and environmental justice aspects of the wildfire literature. Plos One. 2022;17(7). Thomas et al_2022_PlosOne_A burning issue_Reviewing sociodemographic and enviro justice aspects of the wildfire literature.pdf (1.2 MB)
. The Economic Value of Fuel Treatments: A Review of the Recent Literature for Fuel Treatment Planning. Forests. 2022;13(12). forests-13-02042.pdf (764.75 KB)
. An ecological perspective on living with fire in ponderosa pine forests of Oregon and Washington: Resistance, gone but not forgotten. Trees, Forests and People. 2021;4. An ecological perspective on living with fire in ponderosa pine forests of Oregon and Washington.pdf (9.05 MB)
Planning for future fire: Scenario analysis of an accelerated fuel reduction plan for the western United States. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2021;215. Ageretal_Planningforfuturefire.pdf (7.01 MB)
. Social Vulnerability and Wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface. Northwest Fire Science Consortium; 2019. Available at: WP_96.pdf (2.74 MB)
. Social Vulnerability and Wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface - Annotated Bibliography. Northwest Fire Science Consoirtium; 2019. Available at: WP 96_Biblio.pdf (2.36 MB)
. NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? WUI.; 2017. WUI Final.pdf (693.6 KB)
. . Assessing the impacts of federal forest planning on wildfire risk-mitigation in the Pacific Northwest, USA Landscape and Urban Planning. 2016;147.
. Categorizing the social context of the wildland urban interface: Adaptive capacity for wildfire and community "archetypes" Forest Science. 2015;61(2).
. Negative consequences of positive feedbacks in US wildfire management Forest Ecosystems. 2015;2(9).
. Rebuilding and new housing development after wildfire International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015;24. Available at: