Publications Library
Limitations and utilisation of Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity products for assessing wildfire severity in the USA International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015;Online early.
. Assessment of Early Implementation of the US Forest Service’s Shared Stewardship Strategy. University of Oregon, Ecosystem Workforce Program; 2021. Available at: Shared Stewardship Research Final Report PP10 WP104.pdf (8.5 MB)
The evaluation of meta-analysis techniques for quantifying prescribed fire effects on fuel loadings. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2009:24. Available at:
. What drives ponderosa pine regeneration following wildfire in the western United States? Forest Ecology and Management. 2019;454.
. Where wildfires destroy buildings in the US relative to the wildland–urban interface and national fire outreach programs International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2018;27(5).
. Disturbance refugia within mosaics of forest fire, drought, and insect outbreaks. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2020;18(5). pnw_2020_krawchuk001.pdf (4.38 MB)
Cost-effective fuel treatment planning: a theoretical justification and case study International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2019;29(1).
. The impact of aging on laboratory fire behaviour in masticated shrub fuelbeds of California and Oregon, USA International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2016;Online early.
. Fire behavior in masticated fuels: A review. Forest Ecology and Management. 2014;314.
Moisture desorption in mechanically masticated fuels: effects of particle fracturing and fuelbed compaction. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2012;21:10.
. Soil Moisture Affects Growing-Season Wildfire Size in the Southern Great Plains Soil Science Society of America. 2015;79(6).
. Social science in fuel management: an annotated bibliography of prescribed fire. Corvallis: Oregon State University, College of Forestry; 2002:42. Available at: RC36.pdf (252.9 KB)
. Preemergent Control of Medusahead on California Annual Rangelands with Aminopyralid. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 2012;65(4):8. Available at:
. Forest Restoration and Fuels Reduction: Convergent or Divergent? . BioScience. 2021;71(1). biaa134.pdf (8.84 MB)
Climate-driven changes in forest succession and the influence of management on forest carbon dynamics in the Puget Lowlands of Washington State, USA Forest Ecology and Management. 2016;362.
. Indigenous Fire Stewardship: Federal/Tribal Partnerships for Wildland Fire Research and Management . Fire Management Today. 2021;79(No. 1). Available at:
. Returning Fire to the Land—Celebrating Traditional Knowledge and Fire Journal of Forestry. 2017;Review Article.
. Delayed Phenology and Reduced Fitness Associated with Climate Change in a Wild Hibernator. Nature. 2012;489:4. Available at:
. Defining extreme wildland fires using geospatial and ancillary metrics. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2014;On-line early.
Impacts of fire smoke plumes on regional air quality, 2006–2013 Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 2017.
. Making monitoring count: project design for active adaptive management. Journal of Forestry. 2013;111(5):9. s9.pdf (693.62 KB)
. Latent resilience in ponderosa pine forest: effects of resumed frequent fire. Ecological Applications. 2013;23(6):7. latent resilience in p pine.pdf (13.78 MB)
. Post-fire morel (Morchella) mushroom abundance, spatial structure, and harvest sustainability Forest Ecology and Management. 2016;377.
. Post-fire morel (Morchella) mushroom abundance, spatial structure, and harvest sustainability Forest Ecology and Management. 2016;377.
. Evaluating habitat suitability models for nesting white-headed woodpeckers in unburned forest The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2015;79(2).